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发布时间:2009/11/11  阅读次数:6491  字体大小: 【】 【】【





奥迪康公司属于威廉·戴蒙特控股集团,而该集团属于一家慈善机构(William Demant og Hustru Ida Emilie 基金会),同时奥迪康公司又隶属于他的职员和其他股东。奥迪康公司数千名职员日复一日地辛勤工作,致力于耳聋的基础研究、病理分析与产品开发,以推出更好的耳聋解决方案。

English Information

People First! We believe that it takes more than technology to create the best hearing care solution. That's why we put the individual needs and wishes of the hard-of-hearing first in our development of new hearing care solutions. Because hearing care professionals are the key to ensuring that the optimum solution reaches those who need it, they are also the key to our success.

When Hans Demant founded Oticon in 1904, he was driven by a profound desire to help his hard-of-hearing wife and others with similar problems lead a better life.

Inspired by this humanistic philosophy, his son and successor William Demant later created the charitable Oticon Foundation. Today the Oticon Foundation is the majority shareholder in Oticon and is committed through its statutes to support the needs of the hearing impaired.

Contact Us

Oticon A/S
Kongebakken 9
2765 Smorum
Tel.: +45 39 17 71 00
Fax: +45 39 27 79 00
E-mail: contact-us@oticon.com


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